Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Drawing a Day
2.5 x 3



Here is one of my little drawings that I want to share. Fun little things and a great way to start an art collecction.

Here is my buddy Jerry Foster and his wounderful photography. He also displayed his work at Stevenson's Fine Art.
Here is a photo of Pat along with yours truly at Stevenson's Fine Art.

Our next event occured in December at Stevenson's Fine Art, in Florence Alabama, the occasion was the annual student show put on by art students of Tim Stevenson. We had a great crowd that showed up in spite of the cold. The place was packed with many new faces as well as old friends. The refreshments were supplied by Randi Gross a fellow artist and over-all fantastic lady. I stil want her recipe for the salmon dip!!! The photo above is of Pat along with her jewelry display. David Walton a wonderful singer/song-writer was present to supply the entertainment. He was just amazing as always.

It has been a busy couple of months and not too much time to post. I do want to get caught up on what has been going on lately. We participated in a couple of show in the area and meet some wonderful people. First was the Mars Hill Bible School annual Harvest Village in October. This was a two day festival featuring many opportunites for patrons to sample all of the goodies that go with the fall. We want to thank all who stop by our booth, whether to buy or just to say hello.